Life is brimming with baffling existential queries - what happens after we die? Will the Minnesota Vikings ever win the Super Bowl? What are succinct, black-and-white pros and cons of insourcing vs outsourcing content?
Good news: we can help you with the last question. Bad news: please don’t put any money down on our purple patriots.
Media Junction is a Minnesota based company that designs, redesigns, and migrates websites (and has for over 25 years). MJ also trains adept content managers and helps companies develop engaging SEO-driven website copy.
The question remains: what are the pros and cons of outsourcing vs insourcing content?
As a marketing company that provides outsourced content and trains companies to develop their own insourced content, we are in the unique position to be able to answer this question from both fronts.
Yes, irony exists outside of Shakespeare's iambic pentameter stage. To insource or outsource? That is the question.
This article pits outsourcing content against insourcing content in a head-to-head matchup.
Outsourcing Content
Outsourcing content falls under the sphere of old-school marketing. Think billboards, grainy TV advertisements, and stiff transatlantic copy. Outsourcing content is classic. It gets the job done. It perpetuates the ole’ status-quo - if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.
Most Outsourced Marketing Content Services:
- Website copy
- Blog posts
- Email campaigns
- Calls to Action (CTAs)
- Premium content & downloadables
- On-Page Search Engine Optimization
- Graphic Design
- Content Marketing Strategy
Outsourcing content creation is a tried and tested marketing strategy. It works. But, like with anything, it’s a mixed bag.
Outsourcing Pros
1. Targeted, Professional Guidance & Execution
There’s something to be said for hiring a professional. A legitimate plumber is better than your brother-in-love Dave. You don’t shell out big bucks to have some aspiring twelve-year-old salon artiste balayage your hair in her father’s garage.
You get what you pay for
When it comes to outsourcing content creation, you pay for professional grade services that are conceived, designed, and executed by experts in the field. They’ve been around the block.
Marketing agencies shine at producing tailored, highly-effective content at a quick turnaround pace.
2. Less In-House Hassle
Creating content takes time, whether that’s hacking away at a blog post or shooting, re-shooting, and editing a video. Outsourcing content creation frees up time for your marketing team.
There’s no agonizing over email campaign copy or Canva-crying.
3. Quick Content Turn-Around
Outsourced content generally has a quick turnaround time.
Outsourcing Cons
1. Less Direct Control Over Content (Copy & Style)
Some of us are control freaks. We line up perfectly sharpened No. 2 pencils on our desk, spritz the snake plant just so, and count circular brush strokes as we brush our teeth. If absolute control is your thing, outsourcing content feels like handing over creative control.
In addition, brand tone and voice may not translate as smoothly as with in-house content creation.
2. Divided Attention
Outsourced content is created via outsourced attention. This attention, although zeroed-in and focused through chunks of retainer time, is ultimately divided up among other clients.
In short - outsourcing content works. Outsourcing content frees up time for your marketing agency, is generally hassle free, and enjoys a quick turn around.
Insourcing Content
If outsourcing content is old-school marketing, insourcing content marketing is more akin to the hip, new contender. Inbound marketing, in particular, benefits greatly from an in-house content marketing strategy.
Insourcing Pros
1. Creative & Quality Control
No one knows your business better than you do - the ins, the outs, and the quirks. So, it stands to reason no one can represent your company’s brand in voice, tone, and quality better than your company. Insourcing content allows for full creative and quality control.
2. Cheaper (In the Long Run)
Marketing agencies typically charge $150 to $250 an hour. If you’re looking to develop and release content (blog articles, social media posts, etc.) on a regular basis, it’s considerably cheaper to pay an in-house content manager or content team.
3. Develop a Culture of Content
Developing content in house is a fantastic way to build camaraderie and break down the silos businesses slip into.
Once other departments catch wind of how successful targeted content marketing campaigns are - they want in. Sales, production, even accounting may have ideas for content themes and be ready subject matter experts.
Insourcing Cons
1. Time Consuming
Let’s face it: there is a learning curve with in-house content creation. Content creation is time consuming: planning, research/interviewing, execution, and then dissemination. It all takes time.
True to the cliche, time equals money, but most definitely less money than paying a marketing agency.
2. May Require a New Employee
Content creation is a full time gig. I should know - I was a content manager for sixteen months prior to moving onto the position as a content trainer.
In my humble opinion, content creation can prove a grueling and exhausting endeavor if resources aren’t allocated correctly. With the right content manager behind the wheel, organic traffic and revenue skyrockets.
Need Help Kickstarting Insourced Content?
In this article, you learned the pros and cons of insourcing vs outsourcing content creation.
Media Junction enables marketing teams across the globe to pump out ever-green, well-researched, well-executed, voice-driven blog articles that get results.
We are an IMPACT partner and have been trained in their inbound marketing best practices - including utilizing the They Ask, We Answer blogging framework.
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